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Big Cat with Tony Ross from the animated film BIG CAT, LITTLE CAT with Alexandra Schatz
Second Princess with Tony Ross from THE SECOND PRINCESS
Filbert with Jimmy Liao from FILBERT, THE GOOD LITTLE FIEND
Mona with Sonia Holleyman from the MONA THE VAMPIRE series
Camomile with Susan Varley from PRINCESS CAMOMILE'S GARDEN

Funky with Satoshi Kitamura from the as yet unmade animated series FUNKY THE FROG
Rose and Fred with Rosie Reeve from MY FRIEND FRED
Badger & Mole with Susan Varley from BADGER'S BRING SOMETHING PARTY
Boy and his dinosaur with Satoshi Kitamura from A BOY WANTS A DINOSAUR

Forever Street Fairies with Mary Rees
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